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When should I invest in a rebrand?

Rebranding can be a powerful tool for a business and sometimes a very necessary one. Many businesses start their journey without giving much thought to their brand identity or the value of having a brand strategy and intentional design.

This often means that their brand identity either doesn’t reflect the ideologies or isn’t timeless enough to withstand the changing market. Essentially there are two primary reasons for a business to rebrand.

1. Internal: Your brand no longer represents the company’s ideologies and personality

As a business grows, so does the way they do business. Whether it be through an expansion or even refinement of their offerings, a merger of some sorts, or in the internal structure of how the business is run and what is important to them. These changes are intertwined with the company’s brand identity. A brand identity is a representation of the business, it tells a customer what to expect from the company.

Changing your business strategy is intrinsically linked to your branding, a brand that is not based on strategy will ultimately fail the company. If a company has internal changes of values, systems, and relationships with its customers, a rebrand is an ideal way to show this change to your audience.

2. External: Your brand doesn’t stand out in the market

The dynamic market of today means that competition is constantly increasing and the space demands more effort from businesses in order to be seen by their ideal audience. This has to be a strategic process in order to achieve differentiation from your competitors whilst accurately representing your business and its values, ideally, these would be one and the same thing.

With an ever-increasing amount of competition, trends are not enough to make your business stand out in the market. What differentiates you might not be WHAT you do, but rather your HOW or your WHY, what additional benefit does your customer gain from dealing with you against a competitor?

Having a strategically designed brand that represents this differentiation and tells your audience your story in seconds is essential to standing out in the sea of trends. We know now more than ever that authenticity and transparency are key components to the success of a brand.

"Having a strategically designed brand that represents this differentiation and tells your audience your story in seconds is essential to standing out in the sea of trends"

There are two ways to approach a rebrand

Brand evolution

This is when a brand identity is given an upgrade using the foundational elements of the original design instead of a complete overhaul and new look. Brand evolution is great for businesses who have their foundations set in stone but feel like perhaps they aren’t representing it as best they could. Usually, this approach is used as an additional step in the right direction in order to keep your business top of mind in your customer’s eyes. Ideally, the original branding should have a strategy and meaning behind it in order to function effectively as a base design.

Brand Revolution

This process is a complete overhaul of your existing branding, which means a new and improved look and feel from colour palette to font and iconography. This is a more extensive process than a brand evolution and is sometimes more difficult for business owners to go through. You may consider this approach if you feel like your branding no longer relates or represents what your business has become or what you hope it will become in the future.

If your business feels like it is falling behind, Rebranding allows you to regain your previous position and with the right strategy and intentional design, reach even higher ones. However, all updates must be reasonable and meaningful and not be carried out without solid reasons. Rebranding isn’t a whim or a tribute to fashion, but a necessity. This takes time and is based on market and internal research into the business.

If this sounds like something your business might be looking towards, get in touch with Sprig Co. Studio for a free discovery call to establish just what you need.

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